We believe that all aspects of life revolve around mission and worship, inextricably linked together in our thoughts, actions, and collective efforts. Our desire is to proactively live out mission and worship in our daily lives.

We are temporarily located at the Reformed Theological Seminary Chapel on the corner of Carmel Rd and Sharon View Rd (2101 Carmel Rd Charlotte, NC 28226), Click Here for directions!



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About The Village Church

The Village Church is committed to a simple identity: be the church Jesus started so long ago. That means we want to live full and excellent lives and do so in all areas where we can demonstrate our love for God and our service of others. We are evangelical, confessional and missional.

Evangelical means to hold closely to the truth of the gospel… Christ’s life-death-resurrection for sinners. Confessional means to value the traditions of our brothers and sisters in the church through history. Missional means to think of church as a place FROM WHERE we go to love and serve others; church is not the destination for ministry, it is the origin of ministry.

As a part of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, we subscribe to the motto "In the essentials unity, in the non-essentials liberty, and in all things charity." 

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